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Kappa Filter Systems GmbH

Im Stadtgut A1 4407 Steyr-Gleink, Austria

Telefax:  0043 (0)7252-220-555

Legal form: Ges.m.b.H.

Commercial register court:
Company is registered at the regional court Steyr

Company register number: FN 32750m

DVR-Number (data protection register): 0763560

VAT-Number: ATU24168905

Managing director authorised to represent:
Ing. Mag. Klaus Krüger

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Kappa Filter Systems GmbH disclaims any liability for incorrect or missing information on the website. Therefore, all decisions based on the information provided on the Kappa Filter Systems GmbH website are in the responsibility of the user. The information on this website does not constitute legally binding information, but merely information. In particular, Kappa Filter Systems GmbH is not liable for the content of websites reached via links.

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For reasons of simplified legibility, the gender-neutral spelling of designations referring to natural persons was largely abandoned. If such terms are only used in masculine form, they refer in the same way to the feminine form.

Design of the website

markenentwicklung / / film

Implementation of the website

Atikon EDV & Marketing GmbH

Kornstraße 15 4060 Leonding Austria

+43 732/611266-0
Telefax:  +43 732/611266-20

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