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Summer –
sun –

In an internship you can get a taste of the Kappa air. Depending on the progress of your training, we also design your tasks in the internship. 

And if it suits both sides, you can join Kappa right after completing your training.

in technology

Mechanical engineering, construction, process engineering, electrical engineering, automation technology, software programming…
The playground is as big as the technology itself.

in sales

Market analyses, strategy development & sales tools.
In sales you direct all your attention towards the customer.

in the commercial field

Organisation is your thing? In the commercial area you will support us in our daily work and independently develop organisational projects.

in organisation & IT

Are you interested in the topics organisational development, process management, software projects, IT management?
Then you've come to the right place.

in procurement & logistics

If the focus of your training is in the areas of logistics, purchasing, production processes, we will direct the focus of your internship exactly into these areas.

Apply now!

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