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Trainee Programs

Wir begeistern unsere Kunden mit Umwelttechniklösungen.
Nicht mehr und nicht weniger.
Damit wir diesen Anspruch erfüllen, haben wir die Kappa-Traineéprogramme entwickelt.

Trainée program
Sales and Project Manager

Phase 1: You accompany your trainer to customer meetings. As a trainee you assist your trainer, e.g. in the preparation of offers.

Phase 2: You take over your first customers and already win orders. Your trainer is available as a mentor.

Phase 3: You operate independently as sales and project manager.

Trainée program
Project Engineer

Phase 1: You accompany your trainer to customer meetings. As a trainee you assist your trainer, e.g. in the preparation of offers.

Phase 2: You take over your first customers and already win orders. Your trainer is available as a mentor.

Phase 3: You operate independently as sales and project manager.

Master of technical knowledge.

Trainée program
Commercial Project Manager

Phase 1: The Kappa training program gives you the necessary basic know-how. Together with your trainer you handle projects in a commercial manner.

Phase 2: You handle your first orders yourself. Your trainer is available as your mentor.

Phase 3: You are a commercial project manager.

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